LemFi CAD Exchange Rate Today to NGN, GHS, XAF, XOF, KES, RWF, TZS, UGX

LemFi CAD Exchange Rate Today to NGN, GHS, XAF, XOF, KES, RWF, TZS, UGX

Do you want to know the latest LemFi (Lemonade Finance) Canadian Dollar (CAD) exchange rate today? Or compare the rate to other international money transfer apps like Taptap Send, Sendwave and ACE money transfer before sending money abroad?

This post provides daily updates on currency exchange rates of CAD to Nigerian Naira (NGN) and other African currencies (GHS, XAF, XOF, KES, RWF, TZS, UGX) on the LemFi app.

Lemonade Finance’s (LemFi) current exchange rate of 1 CAD to NGN is 1135. This is a black market currency rate; it is higher than the official Canadian to Naira exchange rate

Note: Get a 30 CAD bonus when you sign up on LemFi with this referral code SOLO7K5E. Read more on the Lemonade Finance referral bonus and its requirements to understand better.

Lemonade Finance (LemFi) CAD Exchange Rates Today

Lemonade Finance (LemFi) CAD Exchange Rates Today
CAD (Canada)- CurrenciesExchange Rate
CAD – NGN (Nigeria)1135
CAD – GHS (Ghana cedis)11
CAD – KES (Kenya)94
CAD – UGX (Uganda)2700
CAD – TZS (Tanzania)2055
(Senegal, Benin & Ivory Coast)
CAD – XAF Cameroon460
CAD – RWF Rwanda950
LemFi’s current Canadian Dollar exchange rates (black market)

Check: Lemonade Finance GBP Exchange rate Today

How to Convert NGN to CAD on Lemonade Finance App

Another benefit of using the LemFi international money transfer app is the ability to convert Naira to Canadian Dollars. That is, send money from Nigeria (in Naira) and receive it in Canada (in CAD) with the app.

This is useful if, for instance, you want to move money from your Nigerian bank account to a Canadian account quickly without restriction. Using the LemFi app helps you achieve easily.

Here is how to convert NGN to CAD on Lemonade Finance (LemFi) app:

  • Open the LemFi app and tap the CAD icon to switch
  • Choose Nigeria Naira.
  • Tap Add Money and copy the account number
  • Transfer money to the account
  • Tap Convert to change the Naira amount to Canadian Dollar

Note: USA and UK residents can also use the LemFi app to convert their currencies. For instance, a Nigerian living in the UK can convert Naira to Pounds on Lemonade Finance and send it to their UK account.

LemFi CAD Exchange Rates FAQs


So, this is the current exchange rate of Canadian Dollars to each of the African countries on Lemonade Finance money transfer app (LemFi). Because these rates change frequently, they are updated daily. So it is vital to stay up to date.

I hope you find this information helpful.

Lastly, if any, do leave your question or opinion in the comment below or Facebook page

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